Saturday 29 November 2014

One day Briony...played with lentils

I love our Tuff Spot and enjoy finding different things to put in it for Briony to play with. This time I bought a huge bag lentils and added jugs, measuring cups and plastic gardening equipment. Briony had great fun scooping, pouring and playing in the tray. Although Briony is unable to eat lentils due to her multiple food intolerances, I had hoped that she would be fine playing with them. Unfortunately she reacted to them so this will be the first and last time she gets to play with them.

One day Briony...went on a green hunt

One day we decided to find things that were the colour green. Briony enjoyed carrying her basket around the house and looking for things that she put in it. While doing this we sang (to the tune of We're going on a bear hunt):

We're going on a green hunt
We're going to find green things

Wednesday 12 November 2014

One day Briony...had a small world safari park

I recently bought a Tuff Spot and am looking forward to creating lots of small worlds for Briony to play with. This safari park was really easy to put together with Autumn leaves that I bought when I lived in America, pinecones, wood slices, Jenga pieces, plastic animals (including dinosaurs and farm animals!) and of course small people. I wanted to create walkways and platforms for the people to walk along.

I played with Briony for a little while then she happily played on her own.

Tuesday 11 November 2014

One day Briony...made a pen holder for her daddy's birthday

It's always a dilemma but what do you give to the guy who has everything? And more importantly, how do you make it meaningful when it's from his only daughter who's only 2 and a half?

You make something!

I have recently been making things out of polymer clay (I use Sculpey as its so much easier to mold than Fimo) and as Briony has been trying to help me, I decided she should make daddy something out of this great material. A pen holder was the perfect choice as it was easy to make, didn't use too much clay and he could put it on his desk at work. I made the blue centre part of the holder and then baked it. This meant that Briony could add the decoration without misshaping the main part. She had great fun choosing the colours she wanted and adding the dots.

She choose the paper she wanted (Christmas paper!) and wrapped it with blue electrical tape. She was so excited to be able to give it to her daddy and couldn't wait for him to get home from work. In the end she even opened it for him when he finally arrived!

Friday 7 November 2014

How the blog "One day Briony...' got its name

I have wanted to do a blog for a while about the things that I do with my daughter Briony, but had problems thinking up a suitable name!

At 2 and a half, Briony's favourite expression at the moment is 'one day...' from 'one day my teeth fall out and new ones come down' to 'one day when I'm grown up I can eat that' (pointing to a piece of chocolate!). Finally inspiration struck in the middle of the night, as it often does, and I decided to use her words - one day - and this blog was born.

I love reading other blogs and looking at Pinterest to find lots of fun things that we can do. However as Briony has multiple food intollerances recipes and activities often need adapting. I hope that my findings might help others whose children have similar difficulties.