Wednesday 4 February 2015

One day Briony...played the pop-pom pick up game

I created the pop-pom pick up game so that Briony could practice fine-motor skills (using tweezers), one to one correspondence (putting one pop-pom in each space), colour recognition (each player has a different colour), number recognition and counting (spinning the spinner and putting the correct number of pom-poms in the spaces), turn taking and winning!

I used a Numicon spinner and wrote on the underside of one of the overlays with a white board marker. Other supplies were 7 red and 7 blue pom-poms in a bowl (depending on the number of spaces in the tray), Jumbo Tweezers and an ice-cube tray.

To play the game each player spins the spinner and then uses the tweezers to put that number of pom-poms in the tray (each player chooses a colour pom-pom for the whole game). The winner is the first person to fill a row in the tray with their colour pom-poms.

A more difficult variation is to roll a dice and if the number is odd one player puts in a pom-pom, whereas if the number is even the other player puts in a pom-pom.

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